Se é que alguém ainda lê isso aqui, aliás a linda da Clau, passou por aqui esses dias e me inspirou a escrever e também porque rolou novidades!
Bom para resumir um pouquinho, estou online há 3 meses, e passaram 3 famílias pelo meu APP, uma delas marcou o aterrorizante skype, rs. Ele estava marcado para sábado, (13) às 18h30, treinei um pouco, com algumas perguntas que a Helen Mesquita (que me ajuda muito) enviou. Porém, a family linda não apareceu, fiquei bem chateada, mas mandei um e-mail carinhoso remarcando e as 20hrs o meu skype começou a tocar, sim eu entrei em desespero, mas a Host foi muito fofa e paciente com o meu nível de inglês e conversamos em torno de 1h30, conheci as kids e o Host também, parecem ser muito tranquilos. Ela me fez perguntas básicas, como o que eu faria com as crianças, o que os meus pais achavam do intercâmbio, se eu me adaptaria com o frio, coisas assim. Eu fiquei nervosa, gaguejei e pedi para repetir e digitar inúmeras vezes, mas consegui. Como foi o primeiro skype e ainda estamos conversando, não posso dizer nem que sim, nem que não. Abaixo as questões que estudei (claro que na hora a conversa fluí, mas é bom ter algo em mente):
1-) Have you ever lived out of your home country
2-) Tell us about your personality. Are you a cheerful
Can you adjust living with a foreign family and be a part of it?
4-) Can you live apart from your family and friends?
5-) Have you ever been an aupair before?
6-) Why do you want to be an au pair?
7-) How well do you speak our language?
8-) Are you planning on going to a language school?
9-) What is your parent's occupation?
10-) How large is your hometown? Is it a large city or
a rural area?
11-) What is your last diploma you received? Are you a
good student?
12-) What are your hobbies and interests?
13-) How is your driving and driving record?
14-) Do you have a criminal record?
15-) Do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?
16-) How would you spend your weekends here?
17-) Will you request any time off to observe certain
religious days?
18-) How do we arrange the vacation schedules?
19-) Are you flexible? If we run little late from
work, do you mind?
20-) Would you participate in our family outings or
21-) Do you have any brothers or sisters?
22-) Please tell us about your childcare experience.
23-) Do you have any first-aid training?
24-) Can you cook?
25-) Do you have any dietary restrictions? Is there
any type of food you don't eat?
26-) How would you approach any problems or issues
during your stay?
28-) Do you have any allergies?
27-) If we want you to teach our children your native
language, would you mind speaking to them in your
29-) How is your health? Do you have any health
related issues?
30-) What kind of activities would you do with the
31-) Can you help the children with homework?
32-) Would you treat younger and older children
33-) How many children can you take care of?
34-) Our children have playmates
coming over to our house regularly? Do you mind having more children
around some days?
35-) How do you think this experience will change you
as a person?
36-) What are your plans after your Au pair
So, that's it.